WiFi over COAX | Arcus.net.gr
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WiFi over COAX

The only solution that enables Wi-Fi network anywhere with a TV outlet – with no extra wiring!

Easy, fast and affordable!

Ethernet / Wi-Fi over Coax systems take advantage of the free capacity of the existing free television infrastructure (TV cables) by expanding your network to any part of Hotel – Ship – Hospital etc.

That way we can provide:

  • Internet access and / or corporate network
  • IP telephony
  • IP TV – CCTV
  • LoT services and applications

and practically any application / service is implemented over IP without spatial constraints.

What are the benefits of WiFi over COAX


  • Compatible with all TV networks
  • Discernment: the small dimensions of the units allow them to be positioned anywhere
  • Easy installation
  • High performance
  • Complete and uniform radio coverage