Remote secretarial support | Arcus.net.gr
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Arcus is a Remote Secretarial company that utilizes Internet and Telecommunications for your convenience.

Secretarial support, although a necessary service for every business, increases its already burdened operating costs so that many professionals can no longer meet this need. Here we come to provide an immediate and economic solution by providing Remote Secretarial Support.

According to surveys by callers to a business for the first time, the majority will not call again if the line is not answered, indicating how important the immediate response is.

With Arcus, all your phone calls are always answered directly by your trained secretary, who, with experience in your field, answers and manages your calls, your agenda and your appointments.

No missed calls. No unhappy customers. No late or forgotten appointments. Reliable and professional.

What is the benefit for me? What benefits do I have?
  • High quality of customer service
  • Immediate response to your calls up to 12 hours a day
  • Low running costs & free time savings
  • Quality management of your clientele by trained professionals
  • Real-time continuous updating
  • Instantly forward emergency calls only & Prioritize your calls according to your own criteria
  • Ability to provide Internet access services from many different types of access circuits or through multiple wireless links per point.
  • Ability to provide telephony services at extremely low termination rates in collaboration with ePhone, which provides telephone service in more than 60 countries, encrypted communication, HD Voice and Call Center infrastructures to Cloud
How much does the service cost?

Arcus’s pricing policy is extremely advantageous and customer friendly. Charges are always per call with no hidden charges, unnecessary waitings or other marketing tricks. This way you keep control of the cost regardless of the time we spend on your customer.
With the purchase of our pre-defined call package, detailed call statements and regular email updates you always know your charges. Visit our site to find out about the cost of our packages, the extra services we offer and all the details that will help you choose how to improve the quality of your work and your daily life!

Who is Remote Secretarial addressed to?

Arcus is addressed to ALL freelancers and businesses of all kinds or sizes. With our well-trained staff and our fully equipped infrastructure, we can cover the need for secretarial support for anyone interested.

All you must do is contact us and our specialist will come to your place, will tell you all the details and any questions and together you will set out the communication policy and benefits you wish to have.